Tasks of the Center
Tasks of the Center
In light of the center's vision and mission and under the organizational rules and procedures of the services of students with disabilities at King Saud University, the center carries out many tasks, the most prominent of which are:
Consultation and cooperation with university staff to support the experience of students with disabilities in university education.
Providing information on the organizational policies and procedures for the services of students with disabilities at the university for both students with disabilities and university employees.
Promoting awareness on campus regarding the needs and capabilities of students with disabilities.
Receiving requests from students with disabilities related to academic and support services and coordinating their access under the approved rules and procedures.
Providing advisory and training services on disability topics to the university community.
Designing and implementing programs and activities for students with disabilities to develop their skills.
Coordinating with the various bodies in the university to optimize the implementation of academic and support services.
Participating in local and international events related to the services and activities of students with disabilities.
Cooperating with government institutions and the private sector to train students with disabilities under the requirements of the job market.