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المجلس الاستشاري


It is an academic seat with some financial benefits offered by the University to non-Saudi students from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Teach Arabic Language

 Prepare expert scholars effective in their societies in all disciplines

Attract academically outstanding students to achieve diversity and enrich scientific research

 Establish knowledge-based and cultural collaboration with educational institutions, islamic sectors, and scientific organizations worldwide to serve humanity at large

Strengthen relations between the Kingdom and other countries

Introduce students to the Kingdom and experience the renaissance era it is witnessing in science, economy, politics, society and… المزيد

الملتقى العلمي الرابع عشر لطلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك سعود للبحث والابتكار والموهبة

ينعقد "الملتقى العلمي لطلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك سعود للبحث والابتكار والموهبة" سنويا كلقاء تنافسي لطلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك سعود في مرحلتي البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا بهدف اكتشاف وصقل قدراتهم ومهاراتهم البحثية، وتحفيزهم لإظهار ابتكاراتهم وأعمالهم الإبداعية والتي سوف يتم عرضها خلال المعرض المصاحب. كما يساهم هذا الملتقى في إكساب المنظمين من الطلاب والطالبات الخبرة في إدارة وتنظيم اللقاءات والمؤتمرات.

يتضمن الملتقى العلمي ثلاثة محاور رئيسية:


It is an academic seat with some financial benefits offered by the University to non-Saudi students from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Teach Arabic Language

 Prepare expert scholars effective in their societies in all disciplines

Attract academically outstanding students to achieve diversity and enrich scientific research

 Establish knowledge-based and cultural collaboration with educational institutions, islamic sectors, and scientific organizations worldwide to serve humanity at large

Strengthen relations between the Kingdom and other countries

Introduce students to the Kingdom and experience the renaissance era it is witnessing in science, economy, politics, society and… المزيد

مركز الإرشاد والتوجيه بالجامعة


It is an academic seat with some financial benefits offered by the University to non-Saudi students from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Teach Arabic Language

 Prepare expert scholars effective in their societies in all disciplines

Attract academically outstanding students to achieve diversity and enrich scientific research

 Establish knowledge-based and cultural collaboration with educational institutions, islamic sectors, and scientific organizations worldwide to serve humanity at large

Strengthen relations between the Kingdom and other countries

Introduce students to the Kingdom and experience the renaissance era it is witnessing in science, economy, politics, society and… المزيد

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